Sunday, July 3, 2011

Chocolate Cake shake

Today with my left over Portillo's Chocolate cake, I made a chocolate cake shake!

I took one slice of the cake and then added a few scoops of vanilla ice cream and some milk in a blender and then blended it till it was shake consistency!

I don't have a picture, but it is a good idea to eat up the rest of you cake :) and it tastes delicious!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Portillo's Chocolate Cake.

So today I was really craving some Portillo's Chocolate cake, so I looked online and found a very easy recipe. It turned out delicious! It tasted exactly like the one from Portillo's.

Preheat the oven to 350.

In a large bowl combine:
Betty Crocker devil's food cake mix
3 eggs
1 cup ice cold water
1 cup mayonnaise

Stir that together for at least two minutes or until there are no lumps. Grease and flour two 9 in. pans and divide the batter into the two. Bake them for 30 minutes or until you can pull a toothpick out clean. let them cool for at least one hour before putting the frosting on. For the frosting you use two cans of the Betty Crocker chocolate frosting. Spread that in between  and all around the cakes. You can eat it just by itself, or you can add some ice cream, whatever you want!

It might not look super pretty, but it is really good :)


So it is Saturday today so I decided to give you guys the recipe for my dad's famous Buttermilk Pancakes. They're pretty easy and they are made completely by scratch. He has made these every Saturday for at least 19 years now and I never get tired of them. Instead of syrup, i like to put strawberry freezer jam on top of them, but sometimes i like just eating them with butter and syrup :).

In a large bowl stir together:
4 1/4 cups flour
4 tsp. suger
4 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. salt

In another bowl, whisk together:
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking soda
4 cups buttermilk

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones and mix till most of the clumps are out, then add 1/4 cup  canola oil. heat up a pan and melt some butter on it so that the pancakes won't stick to the pan. Two spoonfuls is enough for one pancake so put as many as you can on the pan and enjoy! It will make a lot, so unless you have a big family, you will most likely have leftovers. In my family we just refrigerate the batter till the next day and then make more!

These are the pancakes with strawberry freezer jam on :) yum!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Brown Sugar Walnut Banana Bread

So it took a while to figure out what to bake for this blog, but then my friend Josh suggested that I make a banana bread but do something different in it. So that is what I did. This banana bread was very good. Probably the best that i have ever had. So here is the recipe, I hope you like it!

Brown sugar walnuts:

Preheat oven to 350

1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
A pinch of nutmeg
3/4 cup chopped walnuts

Melt the butter and then add the rest of the ingredients in a pot. Spread the mixture on a pan with parchment paper, and put it in the oven for 10 minutes. Don't freak out if the mixture spreads out.

The Banana Bread:

1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup melted butter
1 egg
3/4 cup sugar
3 large ripe bananas

In a small bowl mix the flour, baking soda and salt and set it aside. In a large bowl mash the bananas and with an electric mixer add the rest of the ingredients. mix in the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon. Add 3/4 of the brown sugar walnuts to the batter and mix it together. Grease and flour 5x9 pan. Scrape the batter into the pan and pour the rest of the walnuts on the top. Bake it for 1 hour.


Monday, May 30, 2011

About me.

This blog is about treats, such as cupcakes, cakes and other yummy goodies that I make. Also, I think that I am going to write about bakeries that I visit that are really good, but we'll see what happens. I have been baking since I was 10, and I hope to someday start a bakery with my sister-in-law. That is my dream. What I bake will vary a lot, but on Saturdays I will always make something that is breakfast related because every morning for as long as I can remember, my dad has made pancakes, so that is my plan.

Here is a picture of me and my sister and my sister in law. We live in Chicago so there are plenty of bakeries to try out. I am going to try to write as often as possible, and post a bunch of photos.

I'm on the left, my sister, Christine, is in the middle, and Sam, my sister in law is on the right.